Mothers Intuition
January 21, 2009
When I was pregnant with Jacob I remember having this overwhelming feeling that I was having a boy. So much so that when ever someone would ask me I would immediately say "I think I am having a boy". Lucky for me that is what I had, but now that I am pregnant again and am starting to have those same "feelings" I wonder if Jacob was just luck....I mean hey I have a 50/50 shot at guessing right. Or do women really have "a feeling" on the gender of their babies?
This time around I am having the feeling that I am going to have a girl. I could honestly care less, on one hand having another boy would be great because I already have EVERYTHING for a boy and know how to work having a boy. But of course being able to have one of each would be great too, and we all know that little girls clothes are sooooo much cuter than boys clothes!
I am curious if I will be 2 for 2 on the "mommy intuition" this go around, and am curious how often mommies-to-be have these intuitions and how often they are right....let me know!
The Royals Report: May 4, 2024
9 months ago
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