A face only a mother can love!
(January 30, 2009)
OK first let me say that I know that 99.9% of the people that read this blog will have no clue what the heck they are looking at in the above sonogram even with the labels, but I wanted to post our latest picture. It still amazes me even though I have now gone through a pregnancy how quickly a baby grows and changes. Just two weeks ago my ultrasound looked so completely different my baby was just a blob (literally) with a heartbeat. Now just two weeks later you have arms, hands, legs, feet, and a definite head on a short body. There is still a huge proportion problem but all of the major parts are there. The baby was even moving (twitching) and during the moments of movement you could really see the arms and legs very clearly. Of course ultrasound pictures are always easier to see when you were there and not seeing them scanned into a computer and posted online....but hopefully some of you will be able to see what I see in the image above!
The baby is now a little over an inch long and has all of its major organs and a 4 chamber heart....CRAZY!
Everything is going smoothly and other than the fact that this pregnancy is keeping me up at night, making me feel nauseous, and overall has me feeling different than I did with Jacob there isn't anything wrong with the baby in terms of my scan and with a heartbeat of 176 and a measurement coming in at 10 weeks 3 days when I am 10 weeks 1 day is very exciting!
We are due back for another scan at 13 weeks and by then look out I should have some awesome pics of an almost perfectly formed little baby!
The Royals Report: May 4, 2024
9 months ago
We love Baby#2 too. We can hardly wait to see new Jacob's sib in August. The awesomeness of new life will always amaze me. Enjoy your pregnancy...it's such a wonderful time inspite of the discomforts. Sean commented the other day, on your beauty and that glow and true feminine softness that expectant mothers radiate.
cool! i like the labels. i've never been good at "reading" these ultrasound pics but i can totally see what the labels point to. yipee! i'm hoping by the time i get caught up reading your blog you'll have the next pic.
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